Focusing On The Conservation of Ecosystems, Habitats & Wildlife

New Legislation to Advance Whale Preservation Worldwide

Senator John Kerry, who is the lead author of the Senate’s global climate change and environmental legislation introduced legislation to advance whale preservation worldwide.

This information was found on Senator John Kerry's Website: Click on image to Connect to Article

The International Whale Conservation and Protection Act of 2010 will combat the major threats whales face, including commercial whaling, ship strikes, and habitat disruption.

“Thousands of whales die each year from commercial whaling, ship strikes, and habitat disruption,” said Senator John Kerry. “We should be leading the effort to protect them.”

The International Whale Conservation and Protection Act of 2010 will:

— Promote international protection efforts in whales’ natural habitats

— Strengthen international organizations’ efforts, including the United Nations Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, the International Whaling Commission (IWC), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), and the International Maritime Organization;

— Ensure the IWC commercial whaling ban is protected

— Reduce or eliminate human-caused injury, harassment, or disturbance; and

—Expand research to improve global understanding of whales including health and reproduction, whale habitats and the impacts of human activities and other threats to whales.

To learn more about the world’s leading animal welfare organization, go to IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare).  This organization helps reduce the commercial exploitation of animals, protects wildlife habitats and assists animals in distress.

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