Focusing On The Conservation of Ecosystems, Habitats & Wildlife

Jungle Jenny & The Jungle Juniors

JUNGLE JENNY, is currently assembling a group of local girls and boys from Sonoma County, California for a local Jungle Junior meeting. JJ believes that all kids should be given the opportunity to develop their connection with nature and understand the value of preserving and protecting our natural habitat. 

The Jungle Promise and Law are shared by every member of Jungle Juniors. The Jungle Promise is the way Juniors agree to act every day toward one another, other people, and all living creatures. 

The Jungle Law outlines a way to act towards one another and the world.  Jungle Jenny encourages each one of her Jungle Juniors to start in their own backyard.  

The Jungle Law

I will do my best to be ¨honest and fair,¨ friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and¨ responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others,¨ respect authority,¨ use resources wisely,¨ make the world a better place, and ¨be a sister and brother to every Jungle Junior.

Jungle Junior Slogan and Motto

Slogan: Take Care Of Every Living Being.

Motto: Connect with Yourself, Mother Earth & Others.


** Jungle Jenny is a brownie and girl scout alumni and was inspired by the Girl Scouts of America when creating Jungle Juniors.