10 Things You Can Do For The Planet On Earth Day
- Make Natural Cleaners- Many home cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that contribute to indoor pollution and can harm fish and other wildlife when they go down the drain and into local waterways. Common natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, salt, and lemon juice can be used instead to keep your home clean.
- Fix Leaking Faucets- If your home has one leaking toilet, you could be wasting more than 200 gallons of fresh water every day. Add another 10 gallons a day for every leaking faucet.
- Eat Only Sustainable Seafood-Consult a list of ocean-friendly seafood before your next trip to the store or your favorite restaurant. Over-consumption of some fish and other ocean wildlife threatens to wipe out entire species.
- Try A Light Bulb Savings Calculator- See how your energy use from home lighting compares to others and ways that you can reduce your overall energy use.
- Make Your Office More Green“Reduce, reuse, recycle” applies at work too. See what you can do.
- Recycle Unused Items Around Your House- Check out a list of items that can be recycled rather than tossed into your local landfill.
- Improve Your Energy Efficiency with Upgraded Appliances-Learn how much energy you might save by replacing an old appliance with a new more energy-efficient model.
- Go Green When You Travel- With a bit of extra planning, you can make your vacation fun and earth friendly.
- Use Sustainable Food Containers – Decrease waste in your local landfill by storing food in eco-friendly containers. Learn about the many options available to you.
- Teach Children to Be Good Stewards of the Earth- Use fun activities and information for children to teach the kids in your life to respect and care for our planet.