Focusing On The Conservation of Ecosystems, Habitats & Wildlife

Changing Habits: Paper or Plastic?

“Changing Habits for Habitats”

How many times have you heard “Paper or Plastic” and which one is better for our habitat and health?  The truth is, they are both Killing us!

What does it take to change are own Habits?

When will we ever learn?  When will we start demanding change?

When will it be too late?  Will we continue to allow our forests to be hacked down…..our water to be polluted and contaminated….our food to be poisoned with pesticides….our natural resources to be striped beyond salvation.

Our climate crisis is more serious than ever now and it’s critical that we participate in making the right choices for the Future of the EARTH.


How can I change my habits before I contribute in destroying my own Habitat?


I LOVE this Short Film “Plastic Bag” by Ramin Bahrani

Please Watch this Video….. and Attempt To Change One Small Habit Today That Will Help SAVE Our Habitat For The Future!

Would you believe ONLY 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled worldwide — about 2 percent in the U.S.

To read the article “Plastic Bags Are Killing Us” (CLICK HERE or on photo below).

Plastic Bags Are Killing Us

According to the Environment Programme, “Floating bags can look all too much like tasty jellyfish to hungry marine critters. According to the Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation, more than a million birds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die every year from eating or getting entangled in plastic. The conservation group estimates that 50 percent of all marine litter is some form of plastic. There are 46,000 pieces of plastic litter floating in every square mile of ocean.”

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